Friends of Music Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 14, 2019
Board Members:
Amy Ochander, President
Traci Stephenson, Co-Vice President
Erin Crawford, Co-Vice President
Christy Hicks, Treasurer
Nadine Eichhorn, Secretary
Other attendees:
Cooper Ottum, Band Director
Melissa Jacot, Choir Director
Stephanie Seed, Orchestra Director
Cara Strever, Graphic Designer/Webmaster
Debbie Walden, Newsletter Coordinator
Lara Cassaday, Reception Coordinator
Nicole Eisler, Member
Andrea Orrell, Member
Sharon Maier-Kennelly, Member
Regrets: none
Quorum: Yes
I. New Board Member Election Results
Board member election results presented by Cara Strever
• President - Amy Ochander
• Co-Vice Presidents - Traci Stephenson and Erin Crawford
• Treasurer - Christy Hicks
• Secretary - Nadine Eichhorn
Incoming President Amy Ochander is meeting with the previous board for transition the week of October 14, 2019. Amy’s goals for the Friends of Music [FOM] Board are to ensure order, the FOM vision is fulfilled, and we hold each other accountable.
II. FOM Board Procedures
Confirmed Roberts Rules of Order
Meeting agenda will be finalized and sent a week in advance of each board meeting by the President to all members [and posted on the website] including an invitation to attend
Meeting minutes will be posted within one week of each meeting
Action items:
All to reach out to Amy Ochander if any clarification is needed on roles and responsibilities
Christy Hicks to connect with Bissy Murphy to transition bank account
Amy Ochander to be second signatory on bank account
III. Roll Call & Minutes Review/Approval
Roll Call as detailed in attendance above
Minutes from the September 25, 2019 Board Meeting reviewed.
Motion by Cooper Ottum, seconded by Andrea Orrell to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2019 Board Meeting, motion carried unanimously.
IV. Treasurer Report
Previous model was paid FOM membership, changed to free membership this year and updated to digital membership information collection
Current membership is 95 members, all registered online
Total donations from the Friends of Music Concert October 3, 2019 was $1940.00 [includes one-time donations and the initial payment of the first sustaining patron]
One-time donations can be designated to a specific program or need [this information is detailed on donation spreadsheet]
Currently one sustaining member
Treasury goal is to be paperless, unless legally required to have hard copy on file
Action item:
Cara Strever to provide Christy Hicks with membership/donation spreadsheet [uploaded to Google Drive]
2019-20 School Year Summit Music Program Requests
Band – Cooper Ottum
Looking forward to engagement and parent outreach through FOM and assistance with various tasks/help as needed.
Current Task List/Program Requests:
Plan fundraising event [December] proposed goal $10,000; suggested format a play-a-thon event; proposed funding outcomes from event:
Sustain band program and provide the opportunity for flexibility to try new things
Travel expenses subsidized
Instrument repairs and maintenance
Dry clean uniforms, catalogue, maintain, and fitting [after Christmas parade?] NOTE: Cathy’s Cleaners will do dry cleaning complimentary, will charge for repairs
Provide transport [one way from Bend, OR to Seattle, WA] for students attending the Western International Band Clinic [WIBC] – November 22-25, 2019. This is a school supported trip and we have provided transport in the past. Last year this was paid out of the band budget [$1700 one way for bus charter]; parents travel to Seattle to watch concert and transport student’s home. Possible opportunity to combine transport with Bend High and Mountain View.
Establish procedures around various band events [PEP Band; Concert Receptions; Parades]; for example – snacks for events, pizza, etc. Sign-up.doc coordination requested
Suggested Servants on Standby [SOS] example - to solicit help when needed; request is sent to all on the volunteer list and volunteers are apprised of opportunities to help and can sign- up based on their availability to volunteer
Action items:
Cooper Ottum to provide detailed program request list to FOM Board
Cara Strever has contacts for all members that would like to volunteer – details on Google Drive
Choir – Melissa Jacot
Uniform costs [approx. $600 requested]:
Choir robes are covered
Fund dresses and outfits for other choirs
Purchase dresses and check-out annually
Tour costs: Seattle Spring trip – sponsorship; charter bus and breakfast for tour – approx. cost $3000
Volunteer requests: assistance with concert reception
Orchestra – Stephanie Seed
Current Orchestra fundraising [cans and bottles fundraiser at school athletic events]; other fundraising ideas:
String quartet for holiday parties
East-side 10 Barrel Fundraiser opportunity to follow up
April Tour, Anaheim – rental cost for bass and cello’s $2300, research possibility to borrow instruments from a local school in Anaheim; Bus rental to PDX airport – for departure/arrival – 35/40 passengers; consider Central Oregon Breeze bus rental
Music stands [currently sharing with Band] $54 per stand [request 20] cost $1600
Access to music on iPads, including foot pedal to turn pages; current school iPads are too small [request classroom set 10 iPads and foot pedal] $800 each; education prices may be cheaper; research BEA grant opportunity for partial funding
Music filing assistance, need a better way of stamping; online system request
VI. FOM Fundraising and Giving Program
REF: Donation Model [Appendix I]
Previous model was paid membership; one-time donations; and grant opportunities
Proposal in addition to one-time donations and grants: Sustaining Patronage Model – recurring monthly payment, sign-up is currently setup on website
Do we need incentives? Consensus to have service/non-monetary incentives, for example: reserved seats and/or reserved parking at concerts
Acknowledge patrons on programs via donation levels
Sustaining Patronage/Donations promotion through social media; forward to friends and family, encourage student involvement to assist with promotion
Donation option is setup through amazon smile; promote/inform how to donate through this option
Fundraising Committee to be formed [rep from each program] and coordinate with each of the programs:
Fundraising Committee Coordinator – Amy Ochander
Erin Crawford [Choir]
Nicole Eisler [Orchestra]
TBD [Band]
Other Fundraising ideas:
FOM Dinner Nights at local restaurants with percentage of sales donated to FOM [Taco Del Mar; Mod Pizza, etc.] – monthly or bi-monthly
Choir for holiday parties
String Quartet for holiday parties
Action item:
Cooper Ottum to follow-up a parent rep from the Band
VII. FOM Presence at Summit HS Upcoming Events
October 24 – Jazz Night
Engage students to assist with concert promotion
Promotion on website and social media
Promote on daily SHS student emails
Promote as a community event
Request reception assistance
Need rep for FOM presentation and FOM insert for programs
Cara Strever confirmed to design FOM insert for programs
Action items:
Amy Ochander to follow up a rep to do FOM presentation and FOM insert for programs at Jazz Night event
Lara Cassaday on point to coordinate sign-up for reception at event
October 29 – Orchestra Concert
Cara Strever confirmed to design FOM insert for programs
Traci Stephenson confirmed to do FOM presentation
Nicole Eisler confirmed to do FOM insert for programs
Lara Cassaday on point to coordinate sign-up for reception at event
November 21 – Band Concert
Cara Strever confirmed to design FOM insert for programs
Amy Ochander confirmed to do FOM presentation
Lara Cassaday confirmed to do FOM insert for programs
Lara Cassaday on point to coordinate sign-up for reception at event
December 12 – Choir Concert
Cara Strever confirmed to design FOM insert for programs
Erin Crawford confirmed to do FOM presentation
Erin Crawford confirmed to do FOM insert for programs
Scott Crawford confirmed to be event photographer
Lara Cassaday on point to coordinate sign-up for reception at event
VIII. Other Business Needs
Other Volunteer positions/needs:
Amy Ochander to cover Facebook updates and coordinate with each Director [initially]
Social Media representatives needed – rep for each program:
Kristen Pewitt [Choir]
TBD [Band]
TBD [Orchestra]
Instagram Coordinator – Lara Cassaday
Gratitude Coordinators – Debbie Walden and Sherry Castle
Newsletter Coordinator – Debbie Walden [Choir and Orchestra contacts needed for newsletter content] – newsletter produced monthly
Band Council members currently post to Instagram
Auto Facebook posts from website and newsletter
Grant Writer needed
Volunteer Coordinator needed [to coordinate all volunteer requests/sign-ups]
Erin Crawford confirmed as event photographer at the Choir Clinic, October 25
Scott Crawford confirmed as event photographer for the Spring Choir Concert
Other items:
All FOM materials/documents posted to Google Drive
Action items:
Cara Strever to send spreadsheet for donation thank you cards to Debbie Walden
Melissa Jacot and Stephanie Seed to share with Debbie Walden a parent contact from Orchestra and Choir for newsletter content
Cara Strever to design return address stamp and send details to Debbie Walden
Lara Cassaday to share contact details for return address stamp to Debbie Walden
Debbie Walden to purchase postage stamps and purchase a return address stamp
Cara Strever to send link to Google Drive to new Board Members
Future Meeting Agenda Items:
Discuss and finalize Bylaws [November Meeting] REF: Bylaws [Appendix II]
One revision tabled: change board elections to June
Discuss business sponsorship opportunities [December or January Meeting]
sell business ad space on slides [market together with theatre?] – one business sponsor per event
IX. Adjournment Future Meetings/Schedule
3rd Monday of each month at 7:00pm, Choir Room, Summit High School
All members welcome and invited
Next Meeting/s:
Monday, November 18th Monday, December 16th
Meeting adjourned at 8:41pm
Meeting minutes recorded by Nadine Eichhorn, Secretary
Wednesday, 9/25/2019
Cooper Ottum, Band Director
Stephanie Seed, Orchestra Director
Bissy Murphy, Outgoing Treasurer
Heidi Leken, Outgoing President
Cara Strever (Band), Graphic Designer and Webmaster
Sherry Castle (Band)
Traci Stephenson (Orchestra/Choir)
Nicole Eisler (Orchestra)
Cassie Clemens (Orchestra)
Debbie Walden (Band)
Erin Crawford (Choir)
Christy Hicks (Band)
Lesley Thenell (Choir)
Amy Ochander (Band)
Meeting Notes
Outgoing board meeting - 6:30pm - Bissy M, Heiki L, Cooper O, and Cara S in attendance
Bylaws Update
Cooper Ottum would like the FOM membership to be free of charge going forward. Historically members had an annual due of $10.
The board held a two-thirds vote and approved an amendment to the bylaws to allow the new membership structure. Membership will now be free.
General Meeting - 7:00pm - full attendance
Introduction of volunteers and directors
Explanation of Friends of Music
Booster program that provides funding for SHS music programs
Fundraises for specific needs (instruments, scholarships, etc)
Orchestra needs funding for a tour this year, other goals include a set of 20 music stands for Orchestra, iPads and accessories, cellos
Choir needs funding for a Seattle trip and uniforms
Band to provide funding requests before next meeting
Historically only 3 board members, they did everything
More volunteers to lighten the load going forward
New mission to include community building
Board positions review (see job descriptions in separate document)
Amy Ochander is running unopposed
Vice President
Erin Crawford and Traci Stephenson are available for this position
Nadine Eichhorn is running unopposed
Erin Crawford and Christy Hicks are available for this position
Treasurer duties as outlined by Bissy Murphy
Managing cash box, two Squares, Amazon Smile account, PO box
Going forward, some of those duties may be delegated to the Merchandise Manager and Fundraiser Managers
Using non-profit version of Quickbooks for accounting
Providing financial reports at meetings
Filing important documents annually to keep the organization a legal non-profit
Materials returned from outgoing board members:
Cash box, 2 Squares, very shiny banker bag, decals, post office key, passwords and information
Other Volunteer positions review (See separate document for job descriptions)
Volunteer interest
Graphic Designer - Cara Strever
Webmaster - Cara Strever
Reception Coordinator - Lära Cassaday
Merchandise Manager - Sherry Castle
Newsletter Coordinator - Debbie Walden
Fundraising Coordinator - Band - Christy Hicks
Fundraising Coordinator - Choir - Erin Crawford
Fundraising Coordinator - Orchestra - Nicole Eisler
Gratitude Coordinator - Debbie Walden and Sherry Castle
Volunteer needs
Social Media Reps
Grant Writer
Friends of Music Concert
To be held Thursday, October 3, 6:30pm
FOM representative to speak during concert
Introducing FOM
Sharing new FOM mission
Focus on community building
Registering new members
Membership is free this year - goal is to get information
QR code on program for parents to register during concert
Accepting donations
QR code on program for online donations
Sustaining patrons vs one-time donation
Cash, checks and card accepted at reception
Amazon Smile
Encouraging volunteers
Good opportunity for freshman parents
Lära Cassaday is organizing the reception
Volunteer needs to be relayed via email
Action Items
Board Election
Cara to set up online election to confirm board members
Voting to close before next meeting
Friends of Music Concert
Lära to request help and food donations from volunteers
Cara to complete website update with new membership form and donation platforms
Cara to provide QR codes for programs
Treasurer Assistance
Incoming Treasurer to ask banks about accounting volunteers if needed
Next Meeting
Monday, October 14, 7pm, Band Room
Vote to amend bylaws
Change elections to end of the school year rather than Oct of the following year
Define goals and create action items for volunteers and committees
Monday, 5/20/2019
Heidi Lekan
Bissy Murphy
Diane Seals
Cooper Ottum
Stephanie Seed
Melissa Jacot
Erin Crawford
Amy Ochander
Lara Cassaday
Cara Strever
Discussed current financial report provided by Bissy Murphy
Suggestion to add a line item for roll over amount to the following year
Classroom Needs
Band – Drumline. UO Drumline is being purchased in June
Choir – Grand Piano. The purchase is still in the works. Looking into selling the current piano. “Sponsor a Key” Campaign to begin at the Spring Concert, Cara has the donation button live on the FOM website and we will be on hand with Square to take credit card donations at the concert.
Orchestra – Conductor’s Stand. More research needed to determine the exact need and cost
Spring Concerts
Tuesday, 5/21 - Orchestra at 7:00pm. FOM will provide paper goods and waters, parents are providing cakes for the graduating seniors.
Thursday, 5/23 – Choir at 7:00pm. FOM providing complementary cookies and water
Thursday, 5/30 – Band at 7:00pm. FOM providing complementary water and will be organizing donated desserts and have the Square available for donations for Sponsor A Key Campaign
Saturday, June 8th Graduation, 4:00pm at Deschutes County Fairgrounds
4. 2019-2020 Board and Committee Open Discussion
New Board in place by the end of June
Have a presence at the Back to School Night
More opportunities for parents and students to socialize – coffees, potlucks
Representatives from each music group on Executive Board
Revise Bylaws. Items to discuss:
Automatic Member (OPB model)
Patron Gift
Fundraising Clarification
Clear Mission Statement
Transition Team created to revise Bylaws. Lead by Cooper Ottum and will meet Monday, June 10th, time and location tbd
Monday, 2/4/2019
Heidi Lekan
Bissy Murphy
Diane Seals
Cooper Ottum
Cara Strever
1. Financials
Voted to provide $2,000.00 to Choir for uniform costs and travel expenses for upcoming tour and competitions.
Pass the Buckets from this point on will be handled by the individual music group.
FOM has helped to facilitate and count money in the past but we would like to be more clear on what is for FOM and what is fundraising for each individual group.
The Seattle Foundation is providing a $30,000 Grant to be distributed as follows:
$10,000 for Drumline, $10,000 for Grand Piano, $10,000 for General Fund.
2. Fundraising
Discussed ideas for fundraising: we will continue with Tee Spring Apparel sales, Amazon Smile is up and running, reusable shopping bag sales to be explored
It was decided that FOM is not the right organization for the High School Exchange Program. Diane to contact Andrea Orrell and let her know.
Spring Event – a March meeting will be scheduled with an all call for volunteers to form a committee to plan a fundraiser.
The following mentioned on their membership form that they were interested in Fundraising: Perla Ruiz, Mindy Brook, Shannon and John Osterdorff
3. Spring Newletter
Heidi asked for pictures to be submitted from Orchestra, Choir and Band for newsletter and any noteworthy items.
4. Spring Concerts
Thursday, February 28 th – Vertical Orchestra Concert
Thursday, March 7 th – (Pre-Festival) Vertical Band Concert
Tuesday, March 12 th – Jazz Night
Thursday, March 14 th – (Pre-Festival) Choir Concert
Friday, April 4-7 – Band Tour to Seattle
Thursday, April 11-14 – Choir Tour
Friday, April 12 – Salem Band District Festival
5. Action Items:
Schedule March Fundraising Meeting
Shopping Bag discussion (check with Melissa)
Pictures to Heidi for Newsletter
Advertise on Facebook Page for Tee Spring
Tuesday, 11/06/2018
Heidi Lekan, Bissy Murphy, Stephanie Seed, Cooper Ottum, Cara Strever, Leslie Tannel
Agenda Items:
1. Board Approval
All members present voted to approve the board
President: Heidi Lekan
Treasurer: Bissy Murphy
Secretary: Diane Seals
2. Financials
Financials haven’t changed since last meeting
Cara to send membership info from online signups to Diane
3. Funding Opportunities
Boosters concessions - parent volunteers can work concessions
Money earned goes into FOM account.
$20 for 2 hours individual
Full concession night, where all concessions positions are filled by volunteers from the same group, is $1,200
Amazon Smile:
Bissy to make sure it is working
Cara to promote online
4. Volunteer Opportunities
Social Media Coordinator
Parent representatives to help with misc projects and come to meetings
5. Media Overview
Website updated
Includes memberships, donations, & meeting minutes (password protected)
Teachers to email parents about FOM facebook page - need more parent/student followers
More student spotlight content - teachers to email Cara info, she will make posts
See if the official Summit HS Facebook group will promote FOM page - Cara
Promoting new media
Program insert includes new website and FB page
6. Apparel Fundraiser
Agreed on TeeSpring - it’s the easiest option
Current design selection approved
Melissa and Stephanie to include additional student-made designs
Variety of garments offered by TeeSpring
Colors to work with school spirit days (ex: “Blackout”, “Neon”)
Cara to explore other products available on TeeSpring
grocery bags
Shipping directly to customer is available for $3.99
Customers can select a “pickup” option - products ship to SHS, free, at the end of the campaign. Parent volunteer to sort orders when they come in. Orders to be distributed at school and winter concerts.
Fundraiser to run before Christmas
Tuesday, 10/16/2018
Heidi Lekan, Bissy Murphy, Diane Seals, Melissa Jacot, Stephanie Seed, Cooper Ottum, Cara Strever
Agenda Items:
1. Financials
2018 Membership Drive $3396.00 (2017 was $4615)
More memberships are coming through the new website
2. Membership Drive Recap
Attendance was low this year. Discussed way to improve for next year. Mr. Ottum polled his students and found they: want to perform separately, have a longer concert, change up the music
Membership tables will be located near the entrances at the front of the school and by the auditorium/band entrance for better visibility. Great new signage!
Waters and small candy were sufficient to provide for free
3. Publicity/Social Media
The website looks wonderful! Thank you Cara and Cooper!
Idea to spotlight a student a week before each concert on the website
Purchase a slide to advertise FOM at White Christmas Musical
Cara to come up with a Social Media Outline
Need more information on piano for Website
4. Fundraising Ideas
“Sponsor a Key” drive for a new grand piano or drumhead for the Drumline or needed orchestra instrument to be determined
Dad’s Car Wash – Choir
For the Love of Music Concert
Spoken Moto – performances by students
Tower Theater Outreach fundraising?
TeeSpring Merchandise sales
5. Upcoming Concerts:
Tuesday, December 11th7:00pm Orchestra
Thursday, December 13th7:00pm Band
Thursday, December 20th7:00pm Choir
Friday, December 21stPerforming Arts Assembly
White Christmas Musical opens Friday, November 30thand closes Sunday, Dec 9th.
Action Items:
1. Consider Updating Bylaws
2. Hold a meeting with ALL FOM members invited – Tuesday, Nov 6th7pm at SHS